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<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <allpages gapcontinue="Repent" />
      <page pageid="1418" ns="0" title="Recording priority">
          <rev contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve"># [[How Great Thou Art]]
# [[Somewhere Over The Rainbow]] ... It's A Wonderful World ... medley
# [[Tennessee Waltz]]

* done
# [[Jesus Loves Me]]
# [[Jesus Loves The Little Children]]
# [[You Shall Go Out With Joy]]
# [[My Favorite Things]]
# [[Wade In The Water]]

* done with break time at TD
# ?
## Daydream
## Those Were The Days
## ??
# Oct 15
## [[Somewhere Over The Rainbow]]
## [[Tennessee Waltz]]
# Oct 8
## [[Wade In The Water]]
## [[White Sandy Beach]]
## [[Welcome Table]]</rev>
      <page pageid="1634" ns="0" title="Red Roses for a Blue Lady">
          <rev contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve">
==== Video ====
&lt;tr&gt;&lt;td&gt;* [ watch it] from your mobile device&lt;/td&gt;&lt;/tr&gt;
&lt;tr&gt;&lt;td&gt;* The [ podcast] of this song&lt;/td&gt;

==== Lyrics and Chords in the key of G ====
* D Gdim/E D7 G Gb7 B7 C7 E7 E9 A7 Bdim B Cm6 Em Am - play these chords (not in that order)
* (d) (b) (a high) (bb) (g) (gb) - sing these notes (bb = b flat)
D(d) Gdim/E   D7   G(b) (a high)     Gb7(bb) Gdim/E(g) Gb7(gb)
  I  want  some  red  roses  for  a  blue  la  -  dy
  B7(g-gb) C7(g-gb) B7(g-gb)       E7(ab)E9 E7
Mister florist, take my order please.
(b)Am(d)  D7              Bm(b) Em(b)
We had a silly quarrel the other day
 A7(gb)                            D(d)Bdim(f)D(gb)
Hope these pretty flowers chase her blues a - way.
 D Gdim/E  D7   G               Gb7 Gdim/E  Gb7
Wrap up some red roses for a blue la - dy
 B7      C7  B7                   E7 E9 E7
Send them to the sweetest gal in town.
     Am(d)          Cm6(d)      G(b)       E9(gb)
And if they do the trick, I'll hurry back to pick
(gb)Am7(g-gb) Gdim/E(g-gb) G(g-gb)D7(g-a)G(g)
Your best white orchid for her wedding gown.

==== Key of A ====
* E Adim/F# E7 A Ab7 C#7 D7 F#7 F#9 B7 C#dim C# Dm6 F#m Bm - play these chords (not in that order)
* (e) (c#) (b high) (c) (a) (ab) - sing these notes (ab = a flat)
E(e) Adim/F#   E7   A(c#) (b high)     Ab7(c) Adim/F#(a) Ab7(ab)
  I  want  some  red  roses  for  a  blue  la  -  dy
  C#7      D7     C#7             F#7 F#9 F#7
Mister florist, take my order please.
    Bm(e)  E7              C#m(c#) F#m(c#)
We had a silly quarrel the other day
 B7                                   E  C#dim  E
Hope these pretty flowers chase her blues a - way.
 E Adim/F#  E7   A               Ab7 Adim/F#  Ab7
Wrap up some red roses for a blue la - dy
 C#7      D7  C#7                   F#7 F#9 F#7
Send them to the sweetest gal in town.
     Bm             Dm6         A             F#9
And if they do the trick, I'll hurry back to pick
      Bm7        Adim/F#   A          E7   A
Your best white orchid for her wedding gown.

==== Key of C ====
* G Cdim G7 C B7 E7 F7 A7 A9 D7 Gdim G Fm6 - play these chords (not in that order)
* (g) (e) (d high) (eb) (c) (b) - sing these notes (eb = e flat)
G(g) Cdim   G7   C(e) (d high)     B7(eb) Cdim(c) B7(b)
  I  want  some  red  roses  for  a  blue  la  -  dy
  E7      F7     E7             A7 A9 A7
Mister florist, take my order please.
    Dm(g)  G7              Em(e) Am(e)
We had a silly quarrel the other day
 D7(b)                              G(g)Gdim(bb)G(b)
Hope these pretty flowers chase her blues a - way.
 G Cdim  G7   C               B7 Cdim  B7
Wrap up some red roses for a blue la - dy
 E7      F7  E7                   A7 A9 A7
Send them to the sweetest gal in town.
     Dm(g)        Fm6(g)       C(e)          A9(b)
And if they do the trick, I'll hurry back to pick
(b) Dm7(c)  (b)Cdim(c-b)C(c)(b) G7(c-d) C(c)
Your best white orchid for her wedding gown.

* Words &amp; Music by Sid Tepper &amp; Roy Bennett 1948
* [ UkesterBrown]</rev>