Brian Chan: Open Source as Missions - Biola Digital Ministry Conference 2012

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0:00 vi

Trong thì giờ ngắn nguổi buổi tối ngày hôm nay

0:00 en

So, my talk is Open Source as Missions. And the first thing I want to talk about for technology is going to be why it's .... technology is actually very limited. Have you ever tried to collaborate over email? It works for very simple things but it gets really hard if you want to do complex collaboration. But every now and then you just have to co

0:31 vi

Tôi xin phép được cầu nguyện

0:31 en

Please let me pray

bộ phim bắt đầu ở đây

The video starts here

1:02 vi

Tôi chỉ là một trong số ít những người ở tại Việt Nam

1:02 en

I am one of a tiny number of people in Vietnam

meeting the world

1:54 vi

Tôi tên là Nam Quốc Trung.

1:54 en

My name is Nam Quốc Trung