JGuiGen Lead Script

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Back to JGuiGen Demo

The demo pre-script

  1. ./rec.sh
    1. rm -rf ~vds/.java/
    2. cd ~vds/downloads
    3. rm -rf jguigen
  2. enter password
  3. cd ~vds/downloads
  4. If you have not checked out the code then:
    1. svn checkout https://svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jguigen/JGuiGen/trunk/ jguigen
      1. Checking out of the latest JGuiGen source code
      2. In case this is your first time hearing about JGuiGen ... it is all about J for Java, Gui for Graphical User Interfaces, and the Generation thereof, hence "J" ... "Gui" ... "Gen"
      3. Some have said that they'd rather write code that writes code than just write code.
      4. So again what we are checking out here is code that compiles in order to generate code that compiles in order to render GUIs that allow users to do something I call ... View, add, edit, and delete from a table.
      5. The big picture here is that we will be able to quickly generate a screen that allows users to view, add, edit, and delete entries from a table.
      6. Another person called this "Elegant CRUD" which sounds like an oxymoron where CRUD stands for Create, review, update, and delete ... or as I translate it ... add, view, edit, delete
      7. Only the most motivated, high speed, open source development allowed ... no holding back
      8. grabbing the latest source using subversion on sourceforge.net
      9. The jars, a 3 MB sample database, help files, and of course the source ... there it is
      10. we have revision ...
      11. Let's get down to business in JGuiGen
    2. cd jguigen
    3. ls -l - looks like a normal project folder
    4. here's some images ... here's a lib for supporting libraries ...
    5. all code here is under the Gnu General Public License ... the GPL
    6. unzip JGuiGenMisc.zip - these are starter files that we usually don't want other folks committing back into the source, such as configuration files that you'll need to customize for yourself when you are generating your own Graphical User Interfaces here ... and other files that you will need to ...
    7. time ./build.sh
  5. hide the panel
  6. xview JGuiGen_Screenshot.jpg & - Elegant CRUD
  7. maximize it
  8. throw it into workspace 2
  9. rec -c 1 -d /dev/dsp -t wav -r 44100 - | lame -h - junk.mp3
  10. F8 start recording swf

Generating a screen for the Lead table

  1. chmod 0755 ./runUtil.sh
  2. sh ./runUtil.sh DatabaseManager
    1. type: "... Standalone"
    2. driver: JGuiGenDb
    3. Ok
  3. cut and paste new table "Lead"
  4. cut and paste the index
  5. discuss the table columns
    1. lead_ID integer identity
    2. lead_DATE timestamp
    3. lead_PHONE char(20)
    4. isremoved smallint - the deleted flag
    5. lastchangedby char(20) - for sanity and multi user functionality
    6. lastchangeddate timestamp default null - for validation and multi user functionality
  6. ./run.sh
  7. Starting in the Data Dictionary Menu
    1. Mark Tables - place a check mark on the "Process Table" field for your new Lead Table
    2. Check Data Dictionary, Leave Flags, Run Now
    3. Edit Data Dict ... Select the Lead table
    4. Generate Application
      1. Model
      2. Order
      3. Create Java

The Lead Demo

  1. Compile and run the new gui
  2. time ./build.sh
    1. show out-of-the-box features of the gui
    2. View, Add, Edit, Delete ... right click duplicate
    3. Search for some rows
    4. Oh ... what's this? ... Reports!
    5. try closing a window after a change
    6. try changing the row to edit after a change
  3. wash, rinse, repeat ?, ?, ?, and ? showing features
    1. Quickly adding a column, such as: ssn, phone, address
    2. Internationalization
    3. Hot keys
    4. Change validation error message and Test
    5. blast the coffee cup
    6. run test scripts against the gui
    7. show test script output
  4. launch eclipse