School for Melody

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                  Chapter #2 School For Melody 

                    I have school tomorrow.
                The bad thing is that I lost my home work
                and Mrs.Giyelles is my substitute.(she is
                not the brightest teacher in the world.)
                My real teacher Mrs.Mable is off because
                she is having a baby. Mrs.Giyelles says it
                is going to be a boy. Mrs.Mable said she 
                was going to name him John before she left.
                    Mrs.Mable was the nicest teacher in the 
                world! She use to throw out candy all off 
                the sudden and say reaction catch! Thats 
                why I'm still wondering when she's gonna
                come back. I do not want to be stuck with 
                Mrs.Giylelles!   I was talking to my friend
                Geraldine the other day and she said that
                she really liked my dog sharpener. I mean 
                you know the little sharpener that you stick 
                your pencil in his mouth and turn his tail 
                he sharpens your pencil. Yeah that one. So 
                now it is both of ours (but mostly mine 
                because I bought it.) So any way WE lost the 
                eye not HER but US I hate to say. Mrs.Giylelles
                said that she hates sharpeners and for all 
                of us to use the ones plugged into the class 
                room because those don't get messy or anything 
                like that! So she took my sharpener! Two months
                later Mrs.Mable came back she gave me my 
                eraser back. Then gave me three pieces of 
                candy with it.   Then it was going to my birthday 
                in three days I told Mrs.Mable she didn't wait 
                she gave my six coupons for ice cream I looked 
                for the expiration date. I looked on the back of 
                them it said:LAST FOREVER! And I thought that 
                that was IMPOSSIBLE!