Thoughts on Google WebToolkit

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The Google WebToolkit is very exciting.

I am going to listing some of the functions we currently have in JGuiGen in order to start a list of what can and can't be done easily.

Given the way I have structured the code generator (which is not finished except in my mind) - one of the hardest steps is to get a working version of a final application. I can then "mark-it-up" and use it to generate code that deals with different SQL tables and columns.

  1. Connecting to SQL Backend - obviously there somewhere but I haven't seen it yet.
  1. Exit - no problem
  2. Delete - no problem
  3. Add - no problem
  4. Print - ignore - browser takes care of it.
  5. Extra - no problem
  6. Find - lots of code - Query building is probably not a problem, the report is something else again.
  7. Save - no problem
  8. Help - since we can use straight html - no problem
  1. Freq Count - probably not a problem
  2. Duplicate - no problem
  3. next - no problem

previous - no problem

  1. A11y - ignore for now (write the code with A11y, just ignore the magnifying glass and probably the debug screen)
  2. Switch look and feel - ignore - browser handles that
  3. Switch locale - probably need to do this - not sure how
  4. Switch font - ignore - let the browser handle

Bottom line - menu options don't seem to be a big problem

Now on to other basics