Talk:JGuiGen Demo

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Vernon - I watched and fixed. I think everything is repaired now. I have the phone defaulting to (000) 000-0000. I like the ( ) - better,but I'm too tired to try the diff options. It was having problems with the New Table and I fixed that. It was also having a problem wtih time that you didn't see. If you editind the time it returned 12:45 PM as 12:45:00 PM and you couldn't edit it any more since it didn't meet the mask. All fixed now. The message that said "this field" appears when a required field loses focus. I think on a bigger GUI it will be fairly obvious when someone is tabbing or clicks on various fields.

Obvously move/erase these comments after you have read them.

I liked the format of the demo. You might want a couple of verbal references to the other demo. I think that would be okay.

Something I worked hard on you might want to mention is that when you have a date in the date field and you click on the button, the calendar shows you the date that is already in the field and lets you abort back to that value if you didn't mean to edit the field. I found a number of calendars on the web that lost the existing date when you clicked on the calendar. Really bad.
