Jesus at the door - Chúa Giê-su ở trước cửa

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Bạn đã từng nhìn thấy bức tranh này chưa, và bạn có cầu nguyện không? Trong trường hợp khẩn cấp? Bạn có tin Chúa ở đó không?


Have you seen this picture before, and do you pray? In emergencies? Do you believe God is there?

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Đây là Chúa Jêsus đang gõ cửa trái tim bạn, nhưng tay cầm ở bên trong. Chỉ bạn mới có thể cho Ngài vào.

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This is Jesus knocking on the door of your heart, but the handle is on the inside. Only you can let Him in.

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Tiếng Việt

0:00 en

Lots of people pray ... but praying is like talking through the door. You know He is there somewhere, but you do not know Him personally.

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Tiếng Việt

Backpack en

Visualize wearing a backpack. If we filled it with all your sin, would it be heavy? That represents your debt to God. It stops you from having a relationship with Him.

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Tiếng Việt

Money en

If you owed the bank $10,000, and I gave you a check for that amount, and you deposited it into your account, what would happen to your debt?

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Tiếng Việt

Cross en

That's what Jesus did for you on the cross. He wrote you a check signed in His blood. Today He is standing at the door of your heart, wanting you to cash it.

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Tiếng Việt


If Jesus were here right now, would you let him in?

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Tiếng Việt

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Tiếng Việt

0:00 en

Can you see the wind? No, but you can feel it, right? Like the wind, Jesus is here right now. May I pray for you to feel His presence?

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Tiếng Việt

0:00 en

Now for the last thing. To turn from the road you are on without Jesus, change direction and follow Him. Do you want to follow Him?

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Tiếng Việt


Dear Lord Jesus, I open the door of my heart . I am sorry for my sin. I choose to follow You. I make You the Lord of my life. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit. In Your name I pray, Amen.

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Tiếng Việt

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